Wednesday, 31 July 2013

JDeveloper 12c: Creating POM From Application Wizard

This blogs explains the creation of pom files for Application and Project from the Application Wizard.
Note: Readers are expected to have basic understanding of Maven.

Before 12c, Users can create pom file for the Application and Project from the New Gallery as shown in the snapshot below:

Users would create the POM for Application or Project *after* the application and/or project is created.

In 12c (, we have integrated the option of creating POM file in the Application Wizard itself.
The snapshot below shows a new page called 'Build Tool' in the Application Wizard.

User can choose Maven or ANT option in this page.  If Maven option is selected, the Wizard will create the Application and Project POM files. If ANT option is selected, Wizard will create the build.xml file.

If you have trouble locating the Application POM in JDeveloper, please comment on your experience.

Would you like to see any thing more or less in the 'Build Tool' page? Let us know.

Hope you find this blog useful!

JDeveloper 12c Release

JDeveloper 12c release is out. Check out all the new features that have gone into this release. In coming weeks, I plan to blog about some of the features that we (my team) worked on. Stay tuned...